Saturday, April 17, 2010

A real vision for the future.

I've never really thought about coming up with a vision and a plan of actions in order to accomplish it. However, it doesn't mean I've never thought about my future in general.
I think one's vision about the future must be real and action oriented as well. At this point I rather disagree with the speaker from the video we watched in class. My vision about my life is more associated with a certain life I would like to have. Work for me is more of a tool in order to achieve my vision. I would like to be able to spend less time working and more time traveling and doing things I like. Therefore I need to be able to constantly improve my working skills. So I'm planning to graduate from Baruch and start my master degree, because I have the two years required in finance industry before I can apply to the business school. After finishing it I'm planning on enrolling in one of the International Manager programs that most of international financial institutions offer, so I can combine my traveling hobby with work and get to experience different cultures.
Well, I know this might sound slightly vague and seem ambitious, but I find it very achievable and long term enough make it a vision, but not too long to make it seem close enough.


  1. I do agree with you on the point that the vision of the future for me is associated with a certain lifestyle I'd like to live and not exactly some particular things I'd like to have or goals to achieve. Knowing you I'm certain that you'll achieve your current goal, which is to live comfortably, travel, have an interesting job. Well... and then i hope the next step for you will be a family:))

  2. Hi, you should focus on combining work with travel that is an amazing idea. I love the idea of working for a company that will pay for you to travel therefore allowing you to travel and work. If you are good at your job then there should be no problem for you to get a job traveling. One of my goals in life is to be able to work for a foregin exchange company that will allow me to see the world as I am working. I realate to you very much in terms of that one ambition.

  3. I definitely think the same way, work is the path to a way of life. People that make their job their way of life tend to be miserable and you don't seem as though you would be, because you already realized that for yourself. Good luck with your goals!

  4. I like the idea of traveling for work or at least having the travel part as one of my work responsibilities. My current work should everything go fine will allow me to combine my current duties related to finance with extensive travel throughout Europe.

    Re: CEO
    Thanks for the understanding, because as much I many people agree with me, many do not understand that work is just a path to a goal but not the goal itself.

    Lena, please be sure I have family in my plans too, just not as of now.
